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A game made by Cogswell Game Studio for the ZSpace AR/VR education and entertainment computers. Made with Unity, C# coding, and a custom pluggin to interact with ZSpace's technology. The goal was to make a game that had educational elements. We focused on basic physics and collisions to make a puzzle game. The player must create a path to get the marble from the start to the end. As lead engineer, I oversaw several other programmers and made these myself.

AR/VR: Welcome

Main Menu

The designers had an idea of cube worlds with a level on each face. The worlds are are clicked on to select and hovering over a face reveals the level. I implemented this to work with mouse or the ZSpace tech.

AR/VR: Video

Impact Sound System

The video demonstrates an impact based audio system for the marble. When the marble collides with something, the impact force is measured and a sound effect is chosen based on the speed. Within the ranges of sounds to pick, the pitch is shifted slightly depending on impact speed as well.

AR/VR: Video
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